viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010


Alajuela, September 26 th 2010

Dear organizers:
I write to give my opinion about the activity that took place last week which I attended.
I think that the globalization topic is very broad and very interesting because is a current topic for the world. Globalization has differents aspects like economic, technological, social and cultural, has a objectiv that is obtain the interdependence of countries and unite the markets of all countries. For this reason is important to know about companies like an INTEL because this company is the clear example of globalization in our country.
It is important to make these activities because for every college student must to know about this issue because we should advance with our country. Like all, globalization has positive and negative aspects, but in my opinion we must take the good aspects and minimize the bad aspects.
Thank you for attention and I hope a new opportunity for participate in other activity.

Sofía Cortés Picado

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