lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010

Climate Change!!!


A definition of climate change is change of climate with regard to the history of global climate or regional scale. These changes occur at different scales of time and climate parameters: temperature, precipitation, cloudiness, and others.[i]

Today; is very common hearing about the environmental pollution, also about how the people every day destroyed their own world and one of the consequences of pollution are the climate changes.

Is not necessary to be a researcher or scientist to realize that climate changes occurring around the world, because it is only necessary to look around us and above all feel the differences in climate.

The temperatures have many variations, it is sometimes hot and sometimes very cold, and also the natural disasters are a result of this big problem, now there are many flooding and before it was not common.

We must to do something to save our land; it is good to start taking care of our nature because she punishes us. We should stop littering, polluting the waters and forests, save energy and prevent air pollution.

[i] Wikipedia

viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010


What would your next generation to help reduce their foot print?

Today; it is very sad this situation, our world is in danger because the people is doing every day things to contaminate the environment

There are many different actions that affect the world, for example: the smoke of the cars and buses, the people who throw garbage in all parts, also the people build in all places and so they have to cut the trees, the contamination of the companies.

I think that is time to start to reduce this big problem because if we do not do nothings, maybe tomorrow will be late. We have to help our future generations to salve the world but how can we help to reduce the foot print? It is not easy but it is not impossible.

The first thing that we have to do is to educate the children to care their own house that they learn to do not throw garbage. Other important thing is reduce the use of energy and encourage children to not use many video games that spend lots of energy and also pollute.

Is important motivate the people to avoid using both the car and walk more, so too we can do exercise.

Also, it is important that some people invented machines, cars and others things that do not pollute or that reduce the pollution and motivate the people to buy those things although when they are more expensive.

I think that is important there are rules to reduce the foot print to punish the people who do not fulfill with the law.

viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010


Today, many people decide not to get married, but they decide t olive together with their partners; they think that to be married is more difficult than to live together without having a legal compromise with other person.

I think that it is because the young people are not prepared to confront many responsibilities that marriage involve in each live.

Now; the society educates to not complicate our live with anything, the young people think that it is not necessary to get married to be happy.

The few couples who decide to get married do not think well, before the wedding and for this reason today there are lot divorces. To get married is a difficult decision but it is necessary that we think well with who do we want to be married.

In my opinion we should not forget the values of our parents. But, in some cases it is necessary to divorce, when there are aggression and infidelity.